A Typical Day

A Typical Day

Early Arrival

7:30-8:30 – Greeting time is an important part of our schedule. As children arrive, they hang up their belongings and practice greeting each other and teachers. The transition from home to school may also include an arrival message and a question of the day.

Welcome Activities

8:30 – Morning Core Program begins. Children begin exploration in a variety of centers where thoughtful planning is done by the teachers to introduce children to experiences including art, sensory, engineering, science, math, literacy, blocks, sand and water.

Group Meeting

Children gather as a group to set plans for the day. They often begin with movement activities and then engage in learning activities that integrate math and literacy.


Children gather together for a healthy snack of fruits, vegetables, wheat crackers and water. They practice trying new foods, table manners and having thoughtful conversations.

Staff sit with the children during snack. We plan a ‘Harvest of the Month’ and serve fruits and vegetables that are in season.

Outside Play

Children exercise their large and small muscles in our natural play yard. Outdoor activities such as nature crafts, gardening, water play, art, music and dramatic play materials are available..

Teacher Directed Activities

Children and teachers work together to create an emergent curriculum based on the children’s interests. Teachers introduce materials and language that extend their thinking.

Children work in small groups as teachers guide, observe and encourage them to explore.

Group Meeting

11:15 – At the end of the morning session, children help organize the classroom and gather together to talk about the events of the day. They say goodbye to the children leaving mid-day.

Lunch and Rest

Many health and safety routines are included in the day. Children wash hands and have lunch.

Tooth brushing is part of the daily schedule.

Rest time is planned for children attending the full day program. During rest, children lay or sit onmats, listen to soft music, look at books and engage in quiet play. Children often nap.

Afternoon Core Program

12:00 – Children arrive for the afternoon session. They hang up their belongings and greet each other and the teachers. They are welcomed with a message or question of the day.

The following schedule, in the afternoon, is the same as the morning session Welcome Activities

  • Group Meeting
  • Snack
  • Outside Play
  • Teacher Directed Activities
  • Group Meeting

Health and safety routines are important parts of our routines. Children wash hands and help organize the classrooms throughout the day.

For children attending our all day program, morning activities are not repeated, but extended.

Rest time ends at 1:00 when the children get up from rest and join the afternoon group.

Children who nap will join the group later in the afternoon.

Departure Time for the Afternoon Core Program

3:00 – The afternoon core program ends. Children leaving for the day say goodbye for the day, often telling their friends that they will see them again soon.

Extended Day

3:00 to 5:30 – Children may attend a portion of this time. Art, exploration at the various centers, engineering as well as outside play are planned for this time.

The school day ends at 5:30 Monday through Thursday and at 4:00 on Friday