Children’s Corner Preschool was founded on the belief that parents are a child’s first teacher and should be genuine partners in the educational process at school.
Research shows that the more involved parents are in their child’s education, the more success their child will enjoy.
Families are welcome as visitors and volunteers at any time. Parents are welcome to volunteer in any area where they have a particular interest or expertise.
We believe that we enhance children’s experiences and development by working with and sharing information with families. We publish a newsletter for families each month, and our preschool has a Family Corner with parenting and school activities information, and more.
We keep the connection going through cooperation and communication.
Family/Teacher Night is held annually.
Children receive a progress report within three months from their initial admission date and then two written progress reports each year – a mid- year report and a report in June. Our assessment tool is the High Scope Child Observation Record.
Our staff is available any time to discuss your child’s progress.